Leonie Blöbaum

Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, ZIP Kiel
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Niemannsweg 147
24105 Kiel
Email: | Leonie.Bloebaum(at)uksh.de |
Phone: |
Leonie Blöbaum is a PhD student in the subproject M02 - Programming of transcriptional identity by
estrogens and androgens in developing human brain cells of the CRC 1665.
She received her B.Sc. (2020) and M.Sc. (2023) degrees in Molecular Life Science from the University of Lübeck. During her studies, she gained her first experience in clinical research as a student assistant in the pediatric pneumology clinical study team at the UKSH Lübeck. During internships in the industry, she gained experience in quality assurance (Quality System and Compliance, GSK Vaccines GmbH, Marburg) and research (High Content Imaging and Analysis, Evotec SE, Hamburg). In Canada, Leonie spent six months in the research group of Marie-Ève Tremblay at the University of Victoria. There, she investigated the effects of novel fast-acting anidepressants on the behavior of mice and the interaction between microglia and perineuronal nets in the hippocampus of mice. In addition, she had the opportunity to present her results as a poster at the YoungGlia conference in 2023. She completed her studies with a master's thesis on "Investigating the association of polygenic score and lifestyle factors with age at onset in Parkinson's disease" in Joanne Trinh's group at the Institute of Neurogenetics in Lübeck.

- People
- Leadership
- SFB 1665 Office
- Principal Investigators
- Postdoctoral Researchers
- PhD candidates
- Alnawasreh, Baraah
- Blöbaum, Leonie
- Chandra Prakash, Sudharsan Agas
- Denker, Svenja
- Döhr, Konstantin
- Gómez Ortega, Carolina
- Hassan, Ali
- Milella, Janu
- Kähne, Kaj
- Kazubek, Tessa
- Kramheller, Lena:Emil
- Markwald, Nick
- Nuxoll, Lisa-Marie
- Ramesh, Prathiksha
- Rinaldi, Luca
- Schönknecht, Melina
- Sieler, Antonia
- Verde, Viviana
- Wenner, Zelda
- Clinicians
- Coordination
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- Involved Institutions and Departments
- Former Employees