

C. Rehmann-Sutter,
Divers‘ divers denken; Für eine kategorielle Pluralität der Geschlechtsanerkennung, Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie , vol. 11, no. 1, 07 2024.
J. Pozojevic, R. Sivaprasad, J. Lass, F. Haarich, J. Trinh, N. Kakar, K. Schulz, K. Handler, A. Verrijn Stuart, J. Giltay, K. Gassen, A. Caliebe, P. Holterhus, M. Spielmann, and N. Hornig,
LINE1-mediated epigenetic repression of androgen receptor transcription causes androgen insensitivity syndrome, Sci Rep , vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 16302, 2024.
J. Thurley, M. Buades-Rotger, G. Serfling, T. Howaldt, N. Reisch, and U. Krämer,
Reduced threat avoidance but increased stress induced approach bias in women taking oral contraceptives, Psychoneuroendocrinology , vol. 167, pp. 107111, 2024.


P. Holterhus, A. Kulle, H. Busch, and M. Spielmann,
Classic genetic and hormonal switches during fetal sex development and beyond, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 163-171, 2023.
A. Kulle, M. Jürgensen, U. Döhnert, L. Malich, L. Marshall, and O. Hiort,
Contexts of care for people with differences of sex development, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 181--187, 2023.
A. Kulle, M. Jürgensen, U. Döhnert, L. Malich, L. Marshall, and O. Hiort,
Diversity is still missing in the laboratory routine, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 181--187, 2023.
O. Hiort, U. Krämer, L. Malich, M. Spielmann, and C. Rehmann-Sutter,
Is sex still binary?, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 173-180, 2023.
N. Hornig, B. Stammberger, H. Stoff, and C. Rehmann-Sutter,
The past and future of “sex genes”, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 153-161, 2023.
O. Hiort, U. Krämer, L. Malich, M. Spielmann, and C. Rehmann-Sutter,
The Role of Genetics in Sex Diversity, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 151-152, 2023.