Sophia Wagemann

Photo of Sophia  Wagemann

Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und Ethik in der Medizin

Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Thielallee 71
14195 Berlin

Email: sophia.wagemann(at)

Sophia Wagemann is currently a research assistant at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Ethics in Medicine (Charité Berlin) and is doing her doctorate at the University of Leipzig on the subject of "Risk Prevention: The Pill and Its Side Effects 1961-1990." Previously, she was a research assistant at the interdisciplinary research network LeipzigLab in the AG Global Health. From 2019 to 2021 she worked as a supervisor for the tutor qualification of medical students at the Leipzig Medical Faculty. She received the pre-doctoral scholarship from the Global and Area Studies Graduate School. This was followed from 2020-2023 by a state graduate scholarship in Saxony and teaching positions at the Charité and Comparative Cultural and Social History in Leipzig.

S09: Medicating Sex: Medico-historical perspectives on hormone products, patient experiences, and the science and practice of sex diversity, c. 1950–1990


Special Issue: Gennermann, P. S., Klein, G. M., & Wagemann, S. (2025). Constructing Naturalness in Industrial Settings: A Transdisciplinary Exploration. Ambix, 1–9.

Wagemann, S. (2025). “Cycles of Clockwork Precision”: Hormonal Contraception and Natural Menstruation. Ambix, 34-46.

Wagemann, S. (2024): "Keinen Anspruch auf 'Unversehrtheit' im von allen so gepriesenen Geborgenheitsraum": Hormonelle Produkte und die Sorge um Schwangerschaft und Gefährdung des Kindes. In: Fuhrich/Patzel-Mattern/Gawlich (Hg.), Geschichte der Kindheit im geteilten Deutschland 1949–1989. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Wagemann, S. (2021): "Veränderungen des Geschlechtstriebs" als Nebenwirkung in den Packungsbeilagen der Pille. In: Bühner/Rinner/Tammer/Töpfer (Hg.), Sexualitäten sammeln: Ansprüche und Widersprüche im Museum. Wien: Böhlau Verlag.