Dr. Juliane Scholz

Photo of Juliane  Scholz

Institut für Medizingeschichte und Wissenschaftsforschung

Universität zu Lübeck
Königstraße 42
23552 Lübeck

Email: juliane.scholz(at)uni-luebeck.de
Phone: +49 451 3101-3407

Juliane Scholz studied cultural studies, communication and media studies and psychology at the University of Leipzig from 2003 to 2009. She completed her dissertation on the history of screenwriting in Germany, funded by the German National Academic Foundation, in 2014. She worked as a research assistant and lecturer at the Chair of Comparative Cultural and Social History of Modern Europe at the Institute for Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig.

From 2018 to 2022 she headed the social history and public sphere in the research program on the history of the Max Planck Society (GMPG). From December 2022 to June 2024, she worked as a graduate coordinator and research assistant at the Leibniz Center for Contemporary Historical Research Potsdam (ZFF). Her second book on the social history of the Max Planck Society 1948–2005 will be published by Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht in autumn 2024.

Since June 2024, Juliane has been part of the Collaborative Research Center “Sexdiversity – Determinants, Meanings and Implications of Sex Diversity in Sociocultural, Medical and Biological Landscapes” (SFB 1665) at the University of Lübeck as responsible coordinator for scientific communication and public relations.

Selected Publications

Juliane Scholz: Sozialgeschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Personalentwicklung, Karrieren und Arbeitsbedingungen 1948–2005. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2025 (in print). Link.

Juliane Scholz: Whitewashing the Nazi Past. Continuity and Transformation in Scientific Cinematography in Germany 1934–1956. In: Mariana Ivanova and Juliane Scholz (Eds.), Science on Screen and Paper. Media Cultures of Knowledge Production in Cold War Europe. New York-Oxford: Berghahn 2024, 29–50. Link.

Juliane Scholz: Tierversuche als ethische Herausforderung der Grundlagenforschung. In: Jürgen Renn et al. (Eds.): Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Wissenschafts- und Zeitgeschichte 1945–2005. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2024, 763–772. Link.

Juliane Scholz: Duplicating Nature and Elements of Subjectivity in The Ethology of the Greylag Goose. In: Isis 112 (2021) 2, 326–334. doi:10.1086/714755.

Juliane Scholz: Der Drehbuchautor: USA-Deutschland. Ein historischer Vergleich. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2016 (=Histoire Bd. 86).