Publikationen des SFB 1665


L. Müller, R. Oelkrug, J. Mittag, A. Hoffmann, A. Ghosh, F. Noé, C. Wolfrum, E. Jurado, N. Klöting, A. Dietrich, M. Blüher, P. Kovacs, K. Krause, and M. Keller,
Sex-specific role of epigenetic modification of a leptin upstream enhancer in adipose tissue., Clin Epigenet , vol. 17, no. 21, 02 2025.
W. Gopel, T. Rausch, I. Konig, and E. Herting,
The Effect of Parental Weight and Genetics on the Body Mass Index of Very Low Birth Weight Infants as They Reach School Age, Dtsch Arztebl Int , no. Forthcoming, 2025.


C. Rehmann-Sutter,
Divers‘ divers denken; Für eine kategorielle Pluralität der Geschlechtsanerkennung, Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie , vol. 11, no. 1, 07 2024.
M. Jürgensen, M. Rapp, M. Schnoor, A. Heidenreich, U. Döhnert, J. Scherf, O. Hiort, A. Katalinic, and D. Group,
Development of Quality Indicators to Evaluate the Quality of Care for People with Differences of Sex Development, Hormone Research in Paediatrics , pp. 1-10, 2024.
S. Patjamontri, A. Lucas-Herald, J. Bryce, E. Akker, M. Cools, E. Globa, G. Guerra-Junior, O. Hiort, P. Hofman, P. Holterhus, I. Hughes, A. Juul, A. Nordenstrom, G. Russo, M. Stancampiano, S. Seneviratne, R. Tadokoro-Cuccaro, A. Thankamony, N. Weintrob, N. Zelinska, and S. Ahmed,
Gynecomastia and Its Management In Boys With Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , pp. dgae562, 2024.
J. Pozojevic, R. Sivaprasad, J. Lass, F. Haarich, J. Trinh, N. Kakar, K. Schulz, K. Handler, A. Verrijn Stuart, J. Giltay, K. Gassen, A. Caliebe, P. Holterhus, M. Spielmann, and N. Hornig,
LINE1-mediated epigenetic repression of androgen receptor transcription causes androgen insensitivity syndrome, Sci Rep , vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 16302, 2024.
H. Stoff,
Medizin und Geschlecht. Eine Geschichte mit relativer Gültigkeit, Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik , vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 155-172, 2024. Brill | mentis.
J. Thurley, M. Buades-Rotger, G. Serfling, T. Howaldt, N. Reisch, and U. Krämer,
Reduced threat avoidance but increased stress induced approach bias in women taking oral contraceptives, Psychoneuroendocrinology , vol. 167, pp. 107111, 2024.
S. Wiegmann, R. Schilling, M. Winter, M. Ernst, K. Wechsung, U. Kalender, B. Stöckigt, A. Richter-Unruh, O. Hiort, U. Döhnert, L. Marshall, J. Rohayem, K. Liesenkötter, M. Wabitsch, G. Herrmann, G. Ernst, S. Roll, T. Keil, and U. Neumann,
Satisfaction with a new patient education program for children, adolescents, and young adults with differences of sex development (DSD) and their parents, PEC Innovation , vol. 5, pp. 100321, 2024.
H. Stoff,
Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung als normativer Leitbegriff im 21. Jahrhundert, in Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung jenseits des Körperlichen , Burghardt, Boris and Steinl, Leonie and Schmidt, Anja, Eds. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2024.


P. Holterhus, A. Kulle, H. Busch, and M. Spielmann,
Classic genetic and hormonal switches during fetal sex development and beyond, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 163-171, 2023.
A. Kulle, M. Jürgensen, U. Döhnert, L. Malich, L. Marshall, and O. Hiort,
Contexts of care for people with differences of sex development, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 181--187, 2023.
A. Kulle, M. Jürgensen, U. Döhnert, L. Malich, L. Marshall, and O. Hiort,
Diversity is still missing in the laboratory routine, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 181--187, 2023.
O. Hiort, U. Krämer, L. Malich, M. Spielmann, and C. Rehmann-Sutter,
Is sex still binary?, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 173-180, 2023.
N. Hornig, B. Stammberger, H. Stoff, and C. Rehmann-Sutter,
The past and future of “sex genes”, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 153-161, 2023.
O. Hiort, U. Krämer, L. Malich, M. Spielmann, and C. Rehmann-Sutter,
The Role of Genetics in Sex Diversity, Medizinische Genetik , vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 151-152, 2023.