Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Inke König

Photo of Inke  König

Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Statistik

Universität zu Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck

Email: inke.koenig(at)
Phone: +49 451 500-50610

After studying psychology at Marburg University with support from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Inke König changed her academic focus to Medical Biometry and received her doctoral degree in Human Biology in 2002 from the University of Lübeck. She did her habilitation in Medical Biometry and Epidemiology in 2008, was promoted to University Professor (W2 and W3) in 2010 and 2019, and is now head of the Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics at the University of Lübeck. She is Principal Investigator in several research groups, including the German Center for Cardiovascular Research, the German Center for Lung Research, and the Cluster of Excellence „Precisison Medicine in Inflammation“. As certified responsible biostatistician, she supports randomized clinical trials in all clinical application areas. Furthermore, she actively serves professional societies (German region of the International Biometric Society; International Genetic Epidemiology Society) as well as university boards (member of the senate and its committees). 


G. Nissen, S. Hinsenbrock, K. Rausch Tanja, G. Stichtenoth, I. Ricklefs, M. Weckmann, A. Franke, E. Herting, R. König Inke, V. Kopp Matthias, F. Rabe Klaus, and W. Göpel,
Lung Function of Preterm Children Parsed by a Polygenic Risk Score for Adult COPD, NEJM Evidence , vol. 2, no. 3, pp. EVIDoa2200279.
D. Bottigliengo, L. Foco, P. Seibler, C. Klein, I. Konig, and M. Del Greco,
A Mendelian randomization study investigating the causal role of inflammation on Parkinson's disease, Brain , vol. 145, no. 10, pp. 3444-3453, 2022.
S. Desch, A. Freund, I. Akin, M. Behnes, M. Preusch, T. Zelniker, C. Skurk, U. Landmesser, T. Graf, I. Eitel, G. Fuernau, H. Haake, P. Nordbeck, F. Hammer, S. Felix, C. Hassager, T. Engstrøm, S. Fichtlscherer, J. Ledwoch, K. Lenk, M. Joner, S. Steiner, C. Liebetrau, I. Voigt, U. Zeymer, M. Brand, R. Schmitz, J. Horstkotte, C. Jacobshagen, J. Pöss, M. Abdel-Wahab, P. Lurz, A. Jobs, S. Waha-Thiele, D. Olbrich, F. Sandig, I. König, S. Brett, M. Vens, K. Klinge, and H. Thiele,
Angiography after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest without ST-Segment Elevation, New England Journal of Medicine , vol. 385, no. 27, pp. 2544-2553, 2021.
M. Vos, M. Dulovic-Mahlow, F. Mandik, L. Frese, Y. Kanana, S. Haissatou Diaw, J. Depperschmidt, C. Böhm, J. Rohr, T. Lohnau, I. König, and C. Klein,
Ceramide accumulation induces mitophagy and impairs β-oxidation in PINK1 deficiency, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , vol. 118, no. 43, pp. e2025347118, 2021.
B. Laabs, C. Klein, J. Pozojevic, A. Domingo, N. Brüggemann, K. Grütz, R. Rosales, R. Jamora, G. Saranza, C. Diesta, M. Wittig, S. Schaake, M. Dulovic-Mahlow, J. Quismundo, P. Otto, P. Acuna, C. Go, N. Sharma, T. Multhaupt-Buell, U. Müller, H. Hanssen, F. Kilpert, A. Franke, A. Rolfs, P. Bauer, V. Dobričić, K. Lohmann, L. Ozelius, F. Kaiser, I. König, and A. Westenberger,
Identifying genetic modifiers of age-associated penetrance in X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism, Nature Communications , vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 3216, 2021.
H. Thiele, T. Kurz, H. Feistritzer, G. Stachel, P. Hartung, P. Lurz, I. Eitel, C. Marquetand, H. Nef, O. Doerr, U. Vigelius-Rauch, A. Lauten, U. Landmesser, S. Treskatsch, M. Abdel-Wahab, M. Sandri, D. Holzhey, M. Borger, J. Ender, H. Ince, A. Öner, R. Meyer-Saraei, R. Hambrecht, A. Fach, T. Augenstein, N. Frey, I. König, R. Vonthein, Y. Rückert, A. Funkat, S. Desch, A. Berggreen, M. Heringlake, and S. Waha-Thiele,
General Versus Local Anesthesia With Conscious Sedation in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation, Circulation , vol. 142, no. 15, pp. 1437-1447, 2020.
D. Gola, J. Erdmann, B. Müller-Myhsok, H. Schunkert, and I. König,
Polygenic risk scores outperform machine learning methods in predicting coronary artery disease status, Genetic Epidemiology , vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 125-138, 2020.
D. Gola, J. Erdmann, K. Lall, R. Magi, B. Muller-Myhsok, H. Schunkert, and I. Konig,
Population Bias in Polygenic Risk Prediction Models for Coronary Artery Disease, Circ Genom Precis Med , vol. 13, no. 6, pp. e002932, 2020.
S. Grover, C. Lill, M. Kasten, C. Klein, F. M, and I. König,
Risky behaviors and Parkinson disease, A mendelian randomization study , vol. 93, no. 15, pp. e1412-e1424, 2019.
C. Loley, M. Alver, T. Assimes, A. Bjonnes, A. Goel, S. Gustafsson, J. Hernesniemi, J. Hopewell, S. Kanoni, M. Kleber, K. Lau, Y. Lu, L. Lyytikäinen, C. Nelson, M. Nikpay, L. Qu, E. Salfati, M. Scholz, T. Tukiainen, C. Willenborg, H. Won, L. Zeng, W. Zhang, S. Anand, F. Beutner, E. Bottinger, R. Clarke, G. Dedoussis, R. Do, T. Esko, M. Eskola, M. Farrall, D. Gauguier, V. Giedraitis, C. Granger, A. Hall, A. Hamsten, S. Hazen, J. Huang, M. Kähönen, T. Kyriakou, R. Laaksonen, L. Lind, C. Lindgren, P. Magnusson, E. Marouli, E. Mihailov, A. Morris, K. Nikus, N. Pedersen, L. Rallidis, V. Salomaa, S. Shah, A. Stewart, J. Thompson, P. Zalloua, J. Chambers, R. Collins, E. Ingelsson, C. Iribarren, P. Karhunen, J. Kooner, T. Lehtimäki, R. Loos, W. März, R. McPherson, A. Metspalu, M. Reilly, S. Ripatti, D. Sanghera, J. Thiery, H. Watkins, P. Deloukas, S. Kathiresan, N. Samani, H. Schunkert, J. Erdmann, and I. König,
No Association of Coronary Artery Disease with X-Chromosomal Variants in Comprehensive International Meta-Analysis, Scientific Reports , vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 35278, 2016.